The 88 Rising Lunar New Year party, an exclusive event aired on NTWRK, offered an inside look into the collaboration between 88 Rising, Guess, and Places + Faces. This project, which garnered 8 million impressions, 80,000 views, and 12,000 likes, was a testament to the power of strategic digital marketing and growth marketing, both of which I spearheaded. My role as a photographer allowed me to capture the essence of the event, creating compelling visuals that resonated with our audience. My contributions in graphic design further enhanced the visual appeal of the event, aligning with the unique aesthetic of the GUE88 tees. This project showcased the successful intersection of music, fashion, and digital marketing.

Resonating Art + Nate Harvey + Resonating Art + Nate Harvey + Resonating Art + Nate Harvey +
Resonating Art + Nate Harvey + Resonating Art + Nate Harvey + Resonating Art + Nate Harvey +
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